About Me

My photo
Kevin and I are living in Dallas, GA where we bought our first home. We brought into this world Lillian Graham "Lily" On Jan 22,2009 and Chandler Reese on Sept 17, 2012. We could not be more blessed in our lives at this time.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Start of Christmas

Hello Baby Girl... Gosh its been forever since I have wrote you. Okay so tonight is Christmas Eve and I put you down about 2 hours ago.. Santa just came and delivered lots of wonderful presents because he says you have been a good girl.. I read to you the night before christmas and daddy listened. You looked at some of the pages and smiled when you saw Santa and then you started to get tired and rub your little eyes. Tonight Granma and granpa came over along with aunt mandy and uncle jon. You got lots of good gifts and lots of cute clothes. Tomorrow morning we go to your Great Aunt Amys for breakfast as usual and then we are off to daddys side of the family. We love you so much and we are so blessed that we are able to have a wonderful filled Christmas with lots of family, gifts, love. I cannot wait till your come downstairs and see all your gifts. I will put up pictures later this week.....
Daddy & I love you. Happy FIRST Christmas sweet Lily Bug.
Mommy & Daddy

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Halloween & Much More Fun!

Hey Sweet Lily Bug!!! I have not updated in awhile as I have been very busy with you, house, work, etc. Halloween was so much fun! It was your first. The weather was kinda of yucky but we got out when it was not so bad. The day before Halloween you went with your friend ansley to trunk or treat and yall got to ride around in your wagon for awhile. It was damp and muggy/cold if that makes sense. Halloween we went to Aunt Mandys house and we ate some good food and then dad and I strolled you around the street with all the other tirck-o-treaters.. It is something I will always remember it being your first.
Your two canine(cuspids) finally broke the skin and are now coming through. Your left one broke on the 20th of October and the right broke the next day. It was not bad this time around with your teeth.. Thank Goodness. I do not knwo if I wrote about your well check-up but it went great. You are 25% in pretty much everything except for your head. Dr. Dixon said you could pretty much eat anything. Which is great. Anyway I am off back to work. I will write you later this week. Love you sweet girl.
Love mommy

Monday, October 26, 2009

Update: Pumpkin Patch, Carving and Mall trips...

Hey Sweet girl!!! You are snug as a bug in a rug on this Monday cold morning. Mommy is working away as usual but took a little time to write you. There has been so much going on and you have done so many new things since I wrote you last. We all went to the Pumpkin Patch which some friends recommended. It was lots of fun and you loved all of the pumpkins. We came home & the next day we carved. You stuck your hands way down in the pumpkin feeling all the gooey stuff. You were way too cute. You have started to stand on your own as well as push the laundry baskets around the house as a form of a walker. Its so cute to watch you get mad when you run into the wall and you cannot go any further. We went to the mall yesterday and went into the Disney store. You saw the little stuffed animals of "Daisey & Donald" and of course we got them for you.. You also got some clothes from the childrens place. I got your figureines for your Mickey Mouse Clubhouse cake. I have been looking at this website for your decorations, plates, and cups, etc since Im a big planner for things like that. Here is some pictures of you at the pumpkin patch, standing up by yourself, carving, the mall, and radio flyer rides... We love you soooooo much..

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Hello baby girl... okay so I have been super busy to write you but I am settled on this Sunday night while you are snug as a bug in a rug.. Okay so I already have your cake planned for you 1st birthday. Its a two tier Mickey Mouse Clubhouse cake which publix is doing. I found a picture off of the web and took it to Penny which she is the person who makes all mommys cakes when I throw showers for friends and she is going to to it.. YEA... You also got a radio flyer which you just love. We need to get one of your friends cause its a two seater and let them ride with you!! Daddy and I took you on a stroll tonight and you just talked talked talked...
Here are some new things that you can do.
  • You can stand alone for about 30-45 sec before you hold back onto something.
  • You point at things that you want or when we say the word like "light" you point to the nearest light that there is( you are soo smart)
  • You ate spaghetti for the first time the other day and you loved it. There was really not any sauce because I did not want it to mess your tummy up.
  • You got to see sine chirstmas decorations at Home depot and you just laughed laughed laughed.
  • Whne daddy or I scream like to get you to, you turn around & let out this huge scream. We did it at Taco Mac the other night and it was too funny.
  • You love balloons... I got you a Halloween one the other day.
  • We got you a play toy that you can sit and play with it or you can walk with it and you walked with it.. I have to hold the front because it does not have brakes and I am afraid you will go flying down the hall or the kitchen floor.
  • You know who "happy" is which is one of our 4 dogs and its always because he plays with you<<<>
I could go on and on but these are just some of the things you have been doing here at the house.
Anyway. I love you very very much and I cannot wait till Halloween.. Its going to be spooktacular fun..
Love you baby girl so much
Mommy--> PS daddy would say hello but he is playing video games.. nahh he said he loves you too. night night sweet angel.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Play Lunch With Mommy & Friends

Hey Lily Bug..

Okay so yesterday we went and met Natalie & her babies: Tony, Gabby, and Dominique(ughh I probably spelled that so wrong) Nicole and her little girl Ansley and Megan with her little angels: Sydney and Kaitley. We met at chic-fila where you had your first inside of a chicken Nugget. Oh how you loved it. My chart that Dr. Dixon gave us says you can eat shredded chicken at 8months so I went ahead and let you try it. You had so much fun. You loved Tony, I told Nat that yall could get married.. he is a little heart breaker.. Anyway Nicole took out this bottle and it said PUFFS on it. Well I have never let you try them and she was giving Ansley some which she is about 6 months.. So we bought some last night and you love them too. Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you and how you are growing and the things that you are doing.

Anyway, we are going to start making a play date once a month with mommys friends. I think we are going to Megans house next. Here are some pictures with you and your friends and some around the office as you love to tear up my office. We love you baby girl.

mommy & daddy.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Watching Mickey & Panera Dates

Good morning Baby girl... Okay so I am sitting at my desk watchin you watch mickey mouse club house screaming at it because you love it so much, esp the "hot dog" dance.. Lately you have been doing so well during the day. Barely any crying and getting fussy.. only when you are super duper tired. We have been going to Panera for Breakfast lately with Granma and daddy and you always sit in your high chair and eat your choc chip muffin w/o the choc chips of course and a glass of water. You love it so much. There has been another little boy that has caught your eye two of the times that we have been there but as I told you he is too old... Tomw we are supposed to go with Shala which is a friend through a friend who is going to take some professional pics of you if the rain holds off. I have seen her pics online and she does a great job.. She has a little baby girl who is younger than you named "ella" You are growing up so fast every day & it makes mommy & daddy sad some days.. You are just a babbler.. You babble mamamam & dadada and nanananana... (it almost sounds like you are saying "nigh nigh" which is your blanket that you carry around everywhere or want when your tired or sad) Anyway we are trying to get some play dates with some of mommys friends. I ran into a girl named casey who mommy grew up with when she was really young. She has a little girl "sadie" who is about 2 oe 3 weeks younger than you so we are going to try to have lunch together. . Anyway, you are stiing on my lao now playing with the home phone and the mouse.. Love you lily bug..

Friday, August 28, 2009


Here were are baby girl & you are seven months old.. Gosh does the time fly. It seems like yesterday when we brought you home. You have filled our lives with so much joy its hard to imagine what our lives would be like without you in it and its impossible. To give you an update on how you are doing you are starting to pick up your feet and walk. It's really too cute . Daddy and I hold your arms and you just pick them up and walk forward(its like high knees) Anyway, you are growing so much everyday and I am so grateful to be apart of that. I dont know what I would do if I was not able to work from home and be with you everyday and get to go have breakfast with Granma and go on car rides together. You are the Joy in my life as well as your daddy. Speaking of daddy will be home in about 2 hours.. I will be exicted that it is the weekend.
Today we went and had breakfast with Granma at Panera. You had some muffin and water.. Okay I gave you a little bit of tea... Im sorry. Then we went to Walmart and got you some baby food and some more long sleeve and pant nighties... You slept in one last night for the first time since you were little (well your still little but really small) and you looked at the sleeves like (hmmm what do I do with these) so then of course you started to eat your sleeve.. Anyways, we came home and I have been working and I am exhausted. Just wanted to give you a quick update. I will have to put some more pictures up here soon.
Love you Baby girl
Mommy and Daddy

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Well Check Up

So you saw Dr. Dixon today!! It was just you and me due to daddy being at school and granma and everyone else was in Bristol for the race. We got up around 8 this morning ate your bottle and then I took a shower & got ready and then I gave you a bath. Dr. Dixon says you look great. I was a little concerned with they weighed you and you were 15.1 which is 25%
They said you were fine though... I told them you eat pretty much anything.. you get 30oz a day if not more of formula... you get 1/4-1/2 cup of either cereal or stage 2 foods and maybe 3 oz of juice. You eat mashed potatoes or green beans when we cook them. He said he would rather you weigh this then be off the charts... He is impressed that you can stand and hold yourself up for the amount of time you can... HE SAID YOU MAY BE BOW LEGGED... OH NO.. No, he said it would go away eventually. You are 50% in height and you still have the big ol head... lol... You got your flu shot for the first time and you really did not do that bad with crying. Minnie came and so we put a band-aid on her too...You love the paper on the tables which I just think is tooo funny.. Here are a few pictures of you at the doctors office playing with the paper.. We love you baby girl...
love mommy

Thursday, July 30, 2009

From Baths To Driving

Okay baby girl I have been slacking on this lately only because I have been studying at night time for the GACE.. But I will let you know what you have been up to. You can finally sit on your own which you kinda mastered at 5 months old & daddy and I were so proud of you. You can sometimes from a reclining position get yourself up to a sitting position. You sit the big girl way in the buggy, high chair when we are out to eat but it does not last very long you have like a 20 min max time.

We put you in my barbie car that I had when I was a little girl and you acted like you were driving it so daddy just pushed you around the driveway. You were so cute and you just smiled. You have been taking big girl baths ever since you have learned to sit up but I take them with you just in case you slowly roll over like you do sometimes when you play. Daddy went with you today. He wore his lance armstrong pants(lol) no they are his compression shorts he wears under his basektball shorts when he plays ball. You love your hermie the crab. That is what daddy and I named him.

Here are a few of your pictures.. We love you baby girl.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

My little Girl... on the Move

Okay so you are trying to sit up which cracks mommy and daddy up. Some days you are really good at sitting on your own... and then you eveeeennntuuualllyy falllllll ovvverrrrr verrrryyy slowwwwly. So its sometimes funny to watch but daddy and I never let you fall. You are starting to sleep through the night more often now which is nice but I get so worried that I keep myself up. This morning it was about 630 and I had not heard a word out of you so I went to check you and of course woke you up when I opened the door... Gosh I have to get some WD40. Anyway, we are going to go to the lake on the 4th with the rest of our family on Mommys side. Your granna is coming to see you on Thursday and I think we are going to have Italian. You have been sitting in your high chair too to eat your oatmeal and nanners. You love it.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A note to you

Hey little one... Well I know mommy just put up a post but I had to write you because you are doing so many new things. Daddy and I have been laughing these past two days because you are trying to whine like no other. You make these noises that are so funny like you're in pain, which of course you are not. Daddy has been enjoying being home with you. You brighten up his days when he is down. A lesson to look back on when you read this when you get older. Daddy and I encountered some things that famlies should not have to deal with. You remember me writing you that Mamaw Hammitt passed away well it deals with that. She loved you so much and was so proud of you. There were so many people that came up to us and told us how she always talked about you.
Daddys family lives in Summerville. Granna, Pepaw and Nana which are grannas parents.
Then you have your papaw and your aunt emily which is daddys dad and his little sister. We have been up to Summerville twice with you with us and Ihope that you will see his side a little more so that you can remeber them. You have so much family that loves you and cares for you so much. There is nothing in this world that I would let hurt you or daddy or any of our other family. Your mommy considers herself a very strong individual. I hope that you grow up being strong and having your goals and life set out where you can do whatever you want in life. Going to school (college) is a big thing and daddy has already stated that you will go to the best schools & of course he wants you to play ball somewhere so I hope that you really like basketabll and you do not stink.. lol. We already have you 110.00 in your savings. Guess if daddy and I need money we will come to you.
We got your toy chest from Mamaw Hammitts house that she has wanted to give you for awhile. We just brought it up to your room. Its so cute. I am going to put some of your stuff animals on the bench part. I know I keep saying this but I wish you could have known her. She cared for you daddy so much. She called him every Sunday right at 10 on the dot. She made sure I ate too when I was pregnant with you and I told her she could not feed me any more. She made the best mac and cheese I think I have ever had. I try to make it but of course it never turns out the same. We ate with your papaw the other day in Rome and you just smiled at him. Your daddy gives Granna a hard time stating that you like him more than her. lol... I put you in bed about 35 minutes ago and you were holding my fingers while I was rocking you to sleep. Dr. Dixon tells me to put you in your bed while you are still awake but I cannot come to do that because you cry. Im weak when it comes to you crying. So usually I rock you to sleep in then your in your bed no more then 10 minutes later.
We just got your walker in the mail today and I am in the process of putting it together. You have gotten so many new things these past couple of days from daddy and I shopping. We went to the mall last night and you got a bathing suit and mommy has to go find one too. UGH.. We went to On The Border mommys favorite place to eat and had some fun there too. Daddys friends came by and we actually stayed past your bed time which we are sorry but you slept a little bit longer today due to being tired. Anyway, we love you and you are such a sweet heart. I think you are starting to know your name too. Daddy and I did a test.. we said hey, etc & you did not turn around.... we said LILY and you turned around to us. HAHa probably just in our minds.... well baby girl mommy is tired and its almost past her bedtime. Have a good night and remember we always love you and your family does too. Mamaw Hammitt now watches over you and I know you will always be safe...
PAPAW Scroggs does too. nite nite sweet angel...

Monday, June 22, 2009

5 months old

Okay baby girl you are 5 months old... geeze you are getting so old.. before I know it you will be telling me no(lol). I put some pictures up of you around the house hanging out. You also had your lower right tooth break through. Daddy & I beleive we see two more teeth on the surface but they have not come through yet. You were oh so fussy when your little one came through so we have just been giving you that yummy cherry tooth gel... Hopefully the others will not hurt you as bad. we love you very much mommy & daddy.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Your Great Mamaw Hammitt

Hello sweet girl. okay so yesterday I wrote you and told you that we were going to see your great mamaw hammitt. Well baby girl she passed away last night. To let you in as you get older she suffered a major stroke as well as she had a massive heart attack on the life flight to emory and then one when they were doing surgery on her brain to stop the bleeding. After surgery she built up another blood clot that acted as a tumor on her brain so the doctors told us there was not really any hope for her. I am writing this because her last words to your daddy were "tell lily I love her" So yesterday we told her that you loved her and that you would give her a kiss if you could. We love you baby girl and all of our family is so sadened by this loss. here are your most recent pictures with her on mothers day 2009.

Love mommy & daddy

Friday, June 12, 2009

Your little check Up

Well baby girl you had your 4 month check up 2 weeks later than 4 months and that is only because I was trying to schedule it when daddy could come but he had his masters class so he could not. You were a trooper... You looked at Dr. Dixon when he came in and he examined you with no tears or fussiness. Although when the lady came in to give you your shots you did not like it too much. You go the first one, no tears,,oppps the 2nd one and you cried. It was short lived but you gave some pretty good screams..

Yesterday we had to rush to Emory where your great mamaw hammitt was taken. She suffered either from a massive stroke that busted a blood vessel in her brain. She is in teh Neuro ICU and we are all going to see her today. You stayed with Aunt Mandy and Granma last night while daddy and mommy went to go see her. I know she loves you so much so when we go today I will give her your love. We are praying that all of her test go well today and that she will not have to have surgery.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A letter to Lily

Hello Baby girl. I wanted to write you a letter to let you know how much daddy and I love you.. Tonight we went to eat with Granma at Chili's and we had a great time. We went to go see granpa after we ate and you spit up on him for the first time. It was quite funny. You wore the dress that "Great Aunt Shelia" gave you for one of your showers. Last night we went with your aunt mandy. We ate Mexican and then went to her house to put together stuff for Granma & Granpas 40th Wedding anniversary. This past week has been a tough one at times with your mommy trying to work. You have taken at least 2 and half hour naps during the day where I can bust my little behind to get some work done. Daddy has 2 more days of school left and he will be home for the summer so he can help out with you so I can work. Mommy does not have days off besides holidays year round so it will be nice for him to help me out. I love being home with you everyday. I love the fact that I do not have to put you in daycare or have someone watch you. I am going to start masters classes in the fall to become a teacher too like daddy so when you start school and if mommy wants to be a teacher then she can so we can have our summers off and long holidays together.

You have been doing good sleeping. Still not sleeping trough the night but you sleep about 8 hours and then wake and sleep 2 more... cant you just sleep the extra two :) I checked on you tongith which you are already tossing and turning in your bed. I am going to have to drop your bed down soon. I checked on you though and you were on your side with your left arm under your head. "You sleep like mommy" I get scared every now and then because you do toss and turn and some times I come in and you are facing the mattress so I have to adjust your head.
I dont make you go to bed at a certain time. Our routine though is usually around your bed time we come up in mommy and daddys bedroom and I sit in the rocking chair and feed you and then usually put you down. You go for your 4 month shots next wednesday and I am not looking forward to it. Granma is going to come with me this time because your dad will be in carrollton for his SPED masters class. You know he is doing really good in his classes making over 97 every time.
I think about how fast you are growing and all the new things that you do. You love the dogs. You smile at them every time you see them esp Milo. You have pulled his little ears and gosh he looks so scared. We are trying to let you pet him though & he does really good. You have somehow discovered you have a bottom lip. The past two days you have been sucking on your bottom lip and constantly licking it. I dont know if you are teething or not but gosh you sure do go to town on that lip. You do have a temper... lol if you are not happy to begin with and you have a blanky or a toy and I have to change you, etc and I take it away you scream..... so I have to give it back to you. You love your pooh bear... You smile at him and reach for him each time daddy and I show him to you.... and then you try to eat his face.... You type on the keys at my desk... I sent an email to customer service the other day for my work and there was (dhdjfhauhsjdhau) I told them sorry that you were learning to type. There are so many things that you are doing now that just amaze me and I know only things get more interesting and more memorable as you get older. I love you soooo much and I am soo glad that you are a healthy little girl. I will write you another letter soon as I told you I am going to print these off when you are one so that you have this when you get older. nite nite baby girl......

Friday, May 22, 2009

4 Months Old

Okay I rolled over to see you

Okay so time is passing by so quick! It seems like yesterday that I was still pregnant...

Here is lily on her 4 month b-day.... enjoy

Waking up after her 2 hour nap

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mothers Day!!!

So it was our first Mothers day in the Hammitt house.. Lily ended up being in our bed around 5 and we woke up around 7 again. I smile at her every morning and she smiles at me right back. She does not like her bed too much as she is a wiggle worm at night. I lay her one way and when she wakes up she is the total opposite way. Its okay waking up after 6 hours and then having to re-adjust her.

Daddy had a "lily"plant in his hands and Miss Lily actually brought me the card. She held it the whole way up the stairs but then would not let it go. I asked Kevin if I could go on a little shopping spree for mothers day due to me not fitting in any more clothes... they are too big...

So one day this week mommy is hitting up the mall while daddy watches lily. We ended up going to my sisters for dinner. The whole family was at the house. We played Cornhole which is always fun. Lily was really good. She has started to when people say hello to her smile or laugh and then hide her hed in mommys chest which I think is too cute.

I could not have asked for a better life. My husband is wonderful & being a mother is truly a wonderful blessing. She is loving her rice cereal which I usually put a little baby spoon full of Nanners or this week we are trying pear. She has her 4 month appointment at the end of May which she will be getting her shots again.

Hope everyone had a good mothers day!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Okay- So lily likes to hold things in her hands now and she tries to put them in her mouth... Kevin and I were at the Mexican restaurant last night and she held her rattle and shook it as well as tried to put in her mouth for about ten min. She has a cow hanging from her carrier that she loves. I took him off today and she was like im going to eat you....

She started to try to hold her bottle a couple of weeks ago but has really started putting the grip on here lately. She gets more and more animated and loving.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Lily trying to say I love you

so we are trying to have lilys first words be "I love you or hello" I was recording a voicenote on my blackberry to send to kevin while he was at work and it totally sounds like she is saying "i love you" ENJOY.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Rice Cereal & Easter

Okay, so Dr. Dixon said I could let her have rice cereal once a day till about 3-4 months. I can even add nanners.. lol... Any way, I gave it to lily with a spoon the first go around and she didnt really know how to take the spoon so the next time we gave her about 2oz in a bottle and she ate it right up & smiled. I took her to the Easter Bunny with my mom and dad due to Kevin having a cyst on his backside... poor thing. He had to go get it drained at the urgent care and cannot sit so therefore could not ride in the car. Anyway, she did really good. She was asleep up until the time I sat her in his arms and then she stretched... it was funny but I think we got a good one considering her age. She slept for the first time for a long time in her bed.. 930-430. I was quite happy. I woke up and I had not heard from her which I usually do so I went in there to check and I guess she knew I was in there and woke up.. Dang it!! she went back to sleep though after having a quick bottle. Enjoy her pictures!

Friday, April 3, 2009

A letter To My Lily!

Hello sweet girl.
I wanted to write a letter to you because I plan on printing all of these post from the time that daddy and I found out we were going to have you and make a big old scrap book. I want to let you know how grateful your daddy and I are to have a sweet, healthy, adorable little angel like you. It's a true blessing that you are healthy little girl and I hope that you continue to grow big and strong. Mommy and Granma went to the mexican restaurant today and had lunch and you just smiled from ear to ear at me. It makes me feel so special to have you look at me the way you do. I know you and daddy have that special bond too. It's so fun to be with you at home every day! You are such a good little girl while mommy works every day. You have started to take naps in your big girl bed which helps mommy out a lot with making phone calls to her customers. I send you picutre to my good customers and they just eat you up. You are my precious sweet angel and I could not tell you how much I love you and how much you mean to me. A little cold that you have makes me sad cause I know you do not feel good. Now I know what Granma means when she says you will never know a love like the love you have for you daughter. Granma has been so good to me all of my life and still to this day spoils me, I am sure you will also get spoiled throughout your life. "you already do" You love watching ESPN in the morning. I think its because of all the motion that is going on with the TV. I just wanted to let you know that I love you and that you are my little sugar booger...
love mommy

Thursday, April 2, 2009

2 Month Well Check Up

So lily went for her 2 month check up and she did great. We love Dr Dixon!!!! She got her four shots and an oral med and cried as well as I shed a few tears. She was good as soon as I picked her up. She weighs in at 11.1lbs and is 23in long.. Last nigth was the first night she slept the WHOLE ENTIRE night in her bed. She woke for about 30 min but went right back to sleep after a fed her. It does not bother me that she wakes once, its better then the every 2 hours we use to do after her first weeks of life. She was free of her ear infection and cold which was nice to hear. Dr. Dixon states because she has her double crowns on the back of her head that she should be really smart which I hope so because I was never the brightest color in the box when it came to academics in high school. As I got older I came to enjoy it more. Kevin on the other hand is very smart. Passed 2 gace without ever taking classes in EDU. Anyway here is a picture of her when we got back from the doctors.