About Me

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Kevin and I are living in Dallas, GA where we bought our first home. We brought into this world Lillian Graham "Lily" On Jan 22,2009 and Chandler Reese on Sept 17, 2012. We could not be more blessed in our lives at this time.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Happy Birthday Baby Gril

So here we are 4 days after Miss Lily's arrival and it just seems like yesterday that I was calling Kevin with out Good News!!!.

I finally got called to the hospital at 530am Thursday Morning. I arrived around 630-700 and filled out our paper work as well as we waited for the cervadil to be put in place. I was only 1cm dialated so we were hoping htat everything would go okay.

I had to wait 12 hours before they checked me and took it out as well. I started having contractions around 430 and they were not very comfortable at all. 845pm came around and the nurse checked me and I had only gained a half an inch. She got Dr Ruffin and they were talking about Lily's heart rate going down with every contraction. The Dr. gave me two choices and i took the c-section due to me not pulling any chances with her safe arrival. Everything went semi-smooth from me getting prepped and having the chills, being sick, etc. So she as born 8 days early at 1038pm weighing 7.4lbs and measuring 19" long. We are so thankful for her safe arrival and we could not be any more blessed. She is a bundle of joy who loves to sleep on her mommys chest in which we have to break eventually so she will sleep in her pack and play. All & all a very healthy baby.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

She Is Going To Be Here Shortly!!! :)

Okay so we went on our 39 week appointment and my dr had looked at my ultra sound and stated that Lily's belly was a little smaller then the weeks that I was at. ((I guess that is why my belly was measuring small))
Anyway, she scheduled my appointment to be induced TONIGHT ((AHHH))!!! She is not any danger, but she stated that she might not be getting the nutrients that she needs. So she said since my due date is 8 days away any way she wants to go ahead and deliver her so she can get the proper nutrients she needs outside of the womb.
So yea we are quite excited for her arrival now. I have to call at 7pm tonight and I am the 5th person on the list to be induced so it might not be till 3 am or it might be at 7pm but she will hopefully arrive within 24-36 hours.
Please pray for her safe arrival and hope that everything goes as planned.

Monday, January 19, 2009


Okay so here is the belly with 10 days to go... We are hoping that she makes her entrance soon, we are eating pineapple every morning for breakfast and we have ate hot wings and lots of garlic, but nothing yet.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A Letter to Lily

So we went to the doctor today for your 38 week pre check up. Your heart was going strong and your mom is healthy with BP and weight. Dr. Kline who we have seen the past three weeks measured my belly told me it was a little small for being 2 days away for 38 weeks.

Tomorrow we go to get an ultra sound to see if the fulid surronding you is low & you are growing like you should be. I asked Dr. Kline if that is the case what will they do and they said that they would induce me. She did not seem that concerned with everything which was a good sign for your mommy. We hope you come into this world healthy and free of all problems. You are moving around today like a busy body which the Dr said that was a good thing too. We cannot wait to see you and we love you. Hopefully tomorrow all will bring good news. We are going to pack my bags tonight as yours have already been packed. Only about 2 more weeks till your due date and at the very beginning they had you coming on the 20th so we might be a little closer then we thought.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

37 week Check Up

So I went for my 37 week check up which I am like a day or two shy of and everything was great. Blood pressure was great as usual and Lilys heart and size were to the "t" I did not get checked this time around to see if any progress was made; I am going to do that next week.

Kevin and I could not be more excited as the days are counting down and the feelings of anxiety are getting stronger. She is taking a tired toll on my body lately which I feel when I work at my desk and when I am doing house chores.

Other then that everything is going good. Not that many more days to go and she will be here.