About Me

My photo
Kevin and I are living in Dallas, GA where we bought our first home. We brought into this world Lillian Graham "Lily" On Jan 22,2009 and Chandler Reese on Sept 17, 2012. We could not be more blessed in our lives at this time.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas 2010

Looking at her gifts
Seeing her gifts from santa

Letting the dogs in the back door

Christmas at the Hammitt House

So Christmas was wonderful this year. Having family and friends is a truly blessed feeling. It was a beautiful white Christmas this year which Lily just loved. We got lots of video of her playing in the snow. Santa came with lots of gifts in which lily loved too. We got to have family over on Christmas Eve and I cooked my very first Ham in which it was really good I must say. We got to go to Aunt Amys the next morning and eat breakfast and enjoy family time. It's all about family to me, without family I think things are sometimes impossible. Family is about support and love. We did not get to go to kevins side that afternoon because the snow was coming down pretty hard and we did not want to drive on the roads to Summerville. We did however get to go the next day and enjoy Christmas with them. Christmas day night we ordered a pizza !:) the fun of not having very many groceries in your house and at last minute things not going to plan. I felt bad the the delivery guy as he slipped up our driveway when I asked him if it was bad out there.. Sorry :)
Overall it was a great Holiday and many more holidays to come. Our time has been spent with kevin being off is trying to spend as much time together as possible and building warm fires to sit by.

Dear Lily:
I hope that you had the best Christmas ever. Your face was priceless once you got awake and looked at all of your presents. I cannot beleive that you are about to be 2.. Time is going by so fast and you are starting to become a little girl of your own. I hope that you have all that you want in this world with family, love and as many things mommy and daddy can offer to you.
I love you bugster.
love mommy .

Thursday, December 16, 2010

3 more update pics..

Getting ready for bed
Your first backpack with a baby.

Already putting you to work

Time Has Gone By so Quick

Getting your breathing treatment
Sleeping with mommy while you were sick

Shopping away

This has to be one of my favo outfits of yours

Drinking a milkshake with gammi

Hey there little one. Mommy has been very bad not updating your blog so here I go. There has been so much going on with you since I last posted. You are a bundle of joy and might I add a little hotty totty attitude.. You are very quick to say "no" which in my opinion is your favorite word. Lily, you wanna go to the potty or go pee pee on the potty, "no" you say.. Oh well.. Its very cold right now and daddy is actually out of school today because in GA when the roads have once ounce of ice on them we shut down. :) You are growing so fast and learning so many new things. You can say your ABC's all the way through.. Some of the letters might not sound like them but you sure do try. You are putting words together which is always nice but I know you will get more comfortable with that as time goes on. Daddy and I cannot wait till christmas. We went kinda overboard, but we could just not stop. You love "da-ka" santa of course. I dont know how santa came out "da-ka" but it did.. I let you try a hot dog for the first time the other day and you loved it. Don't get used to it because they are filled with sodium :) Your hair is getting so long well it's still short but its getting longer. I am so excited for your 2nd bdays to come up. Tinkerbell is going to be your family theme and Minnie mouse is going to be the friends theme. You were sick a little while ago with RSV and then you got mommy and daddy sick. You had to go on breathing treatments which they are not the best in the world to give you but you had to have them. A funny story: we were riding back from Ross in Hiram and we stopped to get chic-fila with gammi. On our way back you decided that you were going to puncture the side of your cup with the straw and it started to go everywhere. I grabbed it and therefore it got all over me. It looked like I had an accident along with your pants too. Luckily we did not have to go anywhere after that. You told me "sorry" and looked down because I told you no> It was okay because I laugh about it now and did a little in the car after I got dry. You are on the "UP" movie kick. You bring me the PS3 controller and say "doug-y" we have probably watched it about 13 times this week along with all the other movies that you have. Baby girl we love you.
love mommy and daddy.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Halloween 2010

So this is not a letter to lily but to let everyone know what she has been up to.

We had our first halloween kids party here & I think it went great. She was a sock hop girl in which her Great Nana made her skirt. We tried some cosutomes but she just was not feeling it so I thought hmm the outfit would be like what she wears regularly. We invited lots of people and we had all come but 3 people who were actually supposed to come but got caught up else where. :( We had lots of fun. We had an air bouncer in which Lily of course did not want to go in but pretty much all the other kids went in. We had a little pumpkin painting station too. It was a pot luck which all the food was wonderful. Here are a few pictures of the party. Hope everyone had a great time and we look forward to other years with parties like that.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

20 Months & More

  • So we cannot believe lily is getting so old.. Its bittersweet. She is growing every day and learning new words left and right. Kevin starts basketball soon so he will not get to see her very much which is sad too. She is so excited when he gets home in the afternoons and runs straight to the freezer for ice cream.. She knows that they share some on days . She is very demanding little boooger.. She knows what she wants and she knows how to get it. I would have to say that she is a very spoiled little girl :)

    Some of her words are:
    Daddy or dada
    Zoe (but its goe)
    bye bye
  • hey
  • more
    thank you
    gami (granma)
    gapi (granpa)
    rose(her build a dog)
    chic chic
    uh oh
    I am sure there are more I just cannot think this morning.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Play Date & New Things going on

Grandmas birthday
Blowing out candles

Sadie & You

Hey Lily bug.

First off I cannot believe you are 19 months old. Wow does the time fly. I just wanted to share some things with you & with everyone else.
Lily is growing like a weed. She is getting into new things and exploring new words, etc. She has had 2 play dates now which I know there is more to come but with everyones hectic schedule its hard to get together. Here are some pictures of Grandmas birthday & her most recent playdate.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

A little update

Hello sweet girl. You are growing like a weed. Your hair is getting longer in which mommy likes. I cannot believe you will be 18months old. Where has the time gone. You are too precious for words. You are up in your room sleeping right now and mommy is about to make some lunch.
Here are some pictures of you around the house and your first visit to Chuck- E- Cheese in which daddy and I were very disappointed that it was not like waht it use to be when we were kids.
love you sweet girl

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Some New things

Okay- so Baby girl not going to write you today but rather tell all your family and friends how you are doing.. So summer is here and the days are getting hot. We bought lily a new pool at the walley world and she loves it. It has a dolphin that spouts out water which she is not to thirlled over. Anyway, things have been going great. Lily is growing like a weed and she loves to be outside.. She gets mad when I let the dogs out and she cannot go.. She is learning so many things. She pretty much knows where everything is from toes to fingers to hair, to "teeth teeth" which is her word. We are so blessed to have a healthy, happy, and funny little girl.. Here are some pictures with my new camera that kevin and lily got for me for mothers day and my birthday..

Sunday, May 2, 2010

15 month well Check up.

Hey little girl..
So we went to go see Dr. Dixon the other day for a well check up.. You did wonderful. You are 21lbs and 12 oz and you are 30inches. You are 45% in weight and height. Dr Dixon was very pleased with the words that you were saying and the way you do things. You are doing so many new things. Daddy and I are blessed to have a healthy little girl. We did have a scare a couple of weeks ago where you got upset because we took something away that you did not need to have and you basically passed out, eyes rolled back and you went limp for about 3 seconds. It was a very scary moment for me.. Dr Dixon scheduled you for an EKG which turned out to be negative. So dont get mad anymore... okay??
Anyway... here are some new things that you are doing.

  • You know when we say "go throw it in the trash can" you actually go throw it away.
    You know what "sit on your bottom" means
    You say: chic-chic, teeth, bye bye, baby, mommy, daddy, duck, hey, yea... we are pleased with those words... we are working on "thank you and love you"
    If I print something you run to the printer and hand it to me.. its cute
    You try to put on your shoes and socks
    You know if I tell the dogs to go to the bathroom you run to the back door too.. lol
    When its breakfast, lunch, dinner. You know and you run to your high chair and wait for me..
    You love to drink out of a straw now
    You had lunchables for the first time today and you loved them too
    You feed your babies and stuffed animals.
    You think that everytime we go to publix you need a cookie. =)
    You waive bye bye to daddy when I take you upstairs for bed...
    You think you can wash your own hair.. well you try and push my hand away.

So many cute little new things that you do. Daddy and I are so proud of you ..
we love you
love mommy & daddy..

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Grills Outs & Miss Hollywood.

So we grilled out the other night and played corn hole. I beat daddy two games in a row... wooo hooo. You have a little chair and you watched daddy and I play cheering us on. You were too cute. Here are some pictures. Also, I already said you have teh Scroggs attitude which is not good for me.. hehe. love you sweet girl... mommy.

Easter & Vacation

Hey sweet girl. Mommy is a little behind and I am sorry. Things have been pretty hectic here. I wanted to catch up so here we go. Easter was wonderful. You were a blast. We went to your Great Nana & Papaws for lunch and we got to walk around their property as we always do. You saw the doggies and you just smiled and laughed. You carried your basket everywhere we went. We went into Papaws shed where you got to see a little chic for the first time, you were so scared. It's funny how things work. You will go up to a dog that you have never seen and try to give it a kiss but when a little chic starts walking your way you backed up into your daddys arms. We had a lot of fun and you slept on the way back. When we got home we let you open your easter basket from us which you loved too. Daddy and I filled your eggs with money and gold fish.. =) you love gold fish. We also got you a chocolate bunny which you worked on for awhile. We took you outside and let you pick up eggs which you were too cute. Daddy and I could not have had a better Easter. You have made our lives such a blessing.
Our first vacation we went to Hilton Head. You LOVED the sand & beach. Not so much the pool but we will have to get used to that. You played and played. You took afternoon naps there so when we got back we had to get you on schedule. You loved watching all the other little kids play and one girl came up to you and started to play. We had fun on our first vacation and you were a trooper in the car since we got the DVD players. You watched movies while you were awake which helped out the 5 hour car ride.
Love you sweet girl
love mommy and daddy

Friday, March 12, 2010

Getting Older & Wiser

Hey Sweet Girl-

You are getting so big & SMART I might add. You are just the joy of our lives. We could not be more blessed with all the joy, laughter, and memories you bring to us. Mommy is working so hard right now and trying to do good in her job and in school when I do work at night. Its hard to tackel all of these things. I love you so much and I think that you are the smartest little girl ever, "well to me anyway." You have started to only take one nap during the morning hours which kinda stinks but I guess its okay. If you are really tired you will take a short afternoon nap. I still walk you to sleep every night and usually you go to bed within 5-10 minutes. I would not have it any other way with your head next to mine and me giving you small kisses on the back of your head. You are so excited now to see me in the morning when I come get you out of bed. Daddy is usually at work so you get to see me. You sleep with "Felix" now which is a little stuffed animal that you picked up at osh kosh in calhoun. He goes everywhere with you now and you know his name. Daddy named him for you.

Some new things you do:
  • When I say "Bathtime" you go wait at the bottom of the stairs till I move the gate and we crawl up the stairs.
  • You eat with a spoon or spork
  • You are totally off formula
  • When daddy changes the trash bag you open up the cabinet & get a grocery bag and shake it out like dada and try to put it over the trash can.
  • I swear you wanna say thank you when I give you something but it just sounds like "tha"
  • You love running outside with the doggies on a pretty day.
  • You have 8 teeth. and mommy is slightly brushing them but you are not a huge fan
  • You play catch " not really" but we will roll a ball back and forth with each other.
  • You waive hey and bye to everyone in stores.. You mostly like to walk in the stores and mess everything up.
  • You get mad when you cannot give the doggies their food and we have to put it up.
  • You like to have your hands washed.
  • Sometimes when youa are outside you do not like to fall because then your hands are dirty
  • You love me to cut your fingernails and toenails.
  • You give big hugs and you blow kisses
  • You know where you nose is when I ask you & you point to it.
  • You point to your sippy cup in the book and then you go get your sippy cup and point to it.
  • Mickey said "teddy bear" on tv the other day and your "teddy bear" was on the fireplace and you pointed to it & wanted me to give it to you while you were eating breakfast.
  • You love egg salad.. Very weird but you do..

We love you baby girl

love mommy & daddy.