We experienced our first trip at Target and letting you walk around the store. Bad idea. You started pulling all of the clothes off the shelves.. then when I picked you up to go out of the store you just let go and started screaming.. Oh well.. gotta learn. We bought your bathing suit. Its soo cute. Nothing fancy.. just a little pink & white with some hearts and polka-dots on it. We are so thankful for you and the healthy little girl that you are. You have learned to pretty much try to take the cabinet locks off.. OH NO!!!
Here are some fun facts about your little one year old Butt.
- You walk everywhere.. YAY
- You love mexican
- You know what "sit on your bottom" means. its funny when I tell you that.
- You kiss the dogs.
- you have started to draw and color (kinda)
- you love mickey mouse still
- you mimic anything that daddy or I do. Dad has a pencil behind his ear so you tried to put the caryon there too.
- You clap at everything(esp when you hear it on tv)
- You give high fives and low fives if I ask you
- You have tried: Refried beans, mexican rice, cheesburger(mcds) french fries, nanners- you love them, eggs, toast with jelly, pancakes, grits, pot pie, green beans, peas, squash, mac & cheese, stuffing, turckey, ham, chicken tenders you love, grilled chicken, apples, dove peanut butter choc.. yes I am a bad mom.. Strawberry ice cream, choc milk, orange juice, whole milk, honey nut chereos, guac & mexican rest(yummy)..chips, oh gosh I could go on
- You love taking the fresh laundry out of the laundry basket and throwing it on the floor.
Things you Do not like:
- Fruit, fresh fruit.. besides like 2 things
- the car...
- things being taken away from you
- sometimes when you get your diaper changed you scream.. ohh that makes for good poopy changes
- things on your head, like reg hats..
- pork
- me working in the office. therefore I have moved it to the living room with the laptop.
- when we say "no" when you try to go in the doggies "bedroom" the hallway to the laundry room
All for now sweet girl. love you have to go get you you are trying to get on the train.
love you