About Me

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Kevin and I are living in Dallas, GA where we bought our first home. We brought into this world Lillian Graham "Lily" On Jan 22,2009 and Chandler Reese on Sept 17, 2012. We could not be more blessed in our lives at this time.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Some New things

Okay- so Baby girl not going to write you today but rather tell all your family and friends how you are doing.. So summer is here and the days are getting hot. We bought lily a new pool at the walley world and she loves it. It has a dolphin that spouts out water which she is not to thirlled over. Anyway, things have been going great. Lily is growing like a weed and she loves to be outside.. She gets mad when I let the dogs out and she cannot go.. She is learning so many things. She pretty much knows where everything is from toes to fingers to hair, to "teeth teeth" which is her word. We are so blessed to have a healthy, happy, and funny little girl.. Here are some pictures with my new camera that kevin and lily got for me for mothers day and my birthday..