About Me

My photo
Kevin and I are living in Dallas, GA where we bought our first home. We brought into this world Lillian Graham "Lily" On Jan 22,2009 and Chandler Reese on Sept 17, 2012. We could not be more blessed in our lives at this time.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Spooktacular Happenings

Nicole & me + the girls
Ansley and Lily

Lily Bug

lexie and Lily

Some of the girls

Lily and Me

Lily & Jaci

Lily & Her Daddy

So we had a kids party with all of lilys friends. It was so much fun.. Its always fun to see the little ones dressed up and we had fun dressing up too. She also got to go to trunk or treat. She is not a big fan of mask or clowns (girls or guys) so we shall see what next year brings. We are also grateful for Kevins Nana for making lilys dress and my outfit too. My costume was so incredible(the detail and hardwork that she put into it) thanks Nana :)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Current happenings The Fair

Riding Dumbo
The horse Ride (she loved him)

Having Fun on the horse.

Riding in the hellicopter

Dumbo Again. She finally figured out how to pull

it closer to her so she would go high.

Dragon ride

Roller Coaster (she is circled)

So we went to the North Ga Fair. Kevin and I did not think that Lily was going to ride the rides, but we were proven very wrong. She could not get enough of dumbo and we went on a tugboat thing that is kinda like the adult priate ship.. She had a blast~~ Cannot wait to do it again. :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

9/11 (10 Year Memorial)

Looking up at the flags (my favo)

Gammi & her walking

The rows of Flags.

All the flags...

Lily being silly

Love this one... :)

So the 10 year anniversary of 9-11 was this year. I can honestly say that it breaks my heart and made me cry while watching it over and over and listening to the wives/husbands of the fallen speak. I cannot imagine being on the phone with your loved one while watching the building that they are in fall to the ground. Kennesaw National Battlefield had an American flag for everyone that passed that tragic day. My mom and I took Lily to go see them. I got some really good pictures & Lily will have these forever to show her kids too... Its a forever day in history that will always be in our hearts. I was taken away by all of the flags. What a beautiful site it was. My thoughts and prayers will always be with the families of the tragic day and for the individuals who fight the fight everyday & their families.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Up To Date Happenings

looking at the water with gammi
Felt great on a hot day.

Playing while we were waiting

eating ice cream

story time

Lily's bows I made her !

Getting ready for story time.

Going to get crayons for her craft.

So we are getting older which makes me sad. (Well Lily is getting older) I have started to take her to story book time at Barnes and Noble which I know she just loves. They read a book, give the kids a snack, and then do some kinda of little craft at the end. Its fun for me to watch her interact with all of the other kids. I think we are going to start her at Lost Mountain Baptist Church in Nov. We were going to wait till January but I think that she will really enjoy doing the holiday stuff at school with the other kids. I feel like she misses out a lot when I have to work and cannot give her the un-divded attention that she needs. It just breaks my heart. When she does go it will be a big help to my work and letting me get caught up on a lot of things that I need to do. Other than that she is growing like a weed. I cannot beleive its about to be fall already. We are excited for the holidays and other things that is in store for us hopefully soon. One trip that we did make was for my moms (Gammis) bday. We surprised her by meeting my sister and Brooks (lilys cousin) at the TN aquarium. She had a blast :)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Updates & Potty Training

My stock pile cabinet :)
Saved $70.00 bucks at the store with coupons

With her cousin Brooks

Her friend Kendra

Became Best friends

Watching the fireworks

Looking at the fireworks with daddy

Her first boat ride

Wating in the car for it to stop raining.

Okay so I have not been on in awhile but it has been super busy here at the house. I started back Grad school for my masters. I had taken a semester off but now we are back in full swing and its been rough. Not only school but having a full time job & lily at the same time. We are currently potty training now which she is in full steam ahead. We are on our 4th day of no "panties" as she calls them for nap time. She thought she could defy all odds and not wear them to bed last night. After 3 long hours around 12am I heard the dreaded cry and kevin and I both knew what it was. I told her before she went to bed that she would need a diaper but I wanted to let her do what she wanted. We are so blessed that she is a healthy little girl. She brightens are day always with her "Hi Yall" we do not know where she got that from but she sounds like a true Paudling county resident which is a little scary.. :) We went to Hiram for our first set of fireworks. I was a little scared that she was not going to like them but she LOVED them. At the end she said "do it again" It rained on the 4th so we left before they shot them off in the sqaure..

I have been super coupoing lately.. We have a little stock pile cabinet now and about 16 things of laundry detergent. Its really fun to do and no Im not like the extreme people who buy pointless things. I buy things that we use or will use. I think my husband would kill me if I came home with 200 packs of gum or 400 bottles of Advil.. Those EXP. I have saved over $600.00 for the past 7 trips I have gone.. I love doing it and I love seeing my total go from $230.00 to $120.00 like it did today.. :)

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Easter & Updates

At Daddys bball game
Playing dress up

Yes mommy.. oh this look of little miss innocent

wagon ride...

easter egg time

Easter Bunny left it at her door

Hunting eggs

Well Easter has come and gone and it was amazing. We had family over at the house for dinner and Lily played. We went to Summerville on Sunday and surprised Kevins Grandparents at church. Lily did great and sat through the service. Overall a great weekend filled with new and exciting memories.