About Me

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Kevin and I are living in Dallas, GA where we bought our first home. We brought into this world Lillian Graham "Lily" On Jan 22,2009 and Chandler Reese on Sept 17, 2012. We could not be more blessed in our lives at this time.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Went To The Doc

Ok so I went to the doctor today because yesterday I was really cramping on my left hand side. This morning I called my doctor and they told me to rest and take some Tylenol to see if I felt any better before they tried to get me to come in. So around 2pm I was still having a little bit of pain and we found ut that it was just "round ligament" pain. Basically my belly is starting to grow a little more and my body is feeling it. Baby Hammitt's heart was nice and strong and I was in good condition. Cannot wait till next tuesday. The countdown begins.

Keep Baby Hammitt & Kevin & I in your thoughts and prayers.

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